One Word – #Reverb10

Beach yoga in Laguna Niguel. Photo by Carla Duharte of

December 1 – One Word.

Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)



Last December, I decided that my word for 2010 was going to be PRESENCE. I wanted to stop multi-tasking and Doing. So. Much. Too. Much. I was done with being super-mom, super-attorney, super-volunteer. I wanted to spend more one-on-one time with my kids, with my husband. And I started to do yoga regularly again…after a 10 year break.

It has been amazing. Presence has transformed my life, continues to transform my life. Not only did I go to that first yoga class, I added many new habits to my life each month that has made me healthier and more present in my life overall. And I remembered some things, in this new space that I created by reducing some non-essential obligations that had been taking my energy away from my family and friends. I remembered more about who I am as a person. As many parents of young kids, my identity has been really entangled with my kids these part almost 7 years (Ben and Lily will be 7 in less than 2 months – crazy!).

My word for 2011 is ADVENTURE. I’m going on some. I’m not sure what yet, but this is where my roots lie. My parents are super-adventurous, I married a guy who loves adventure and its something I want to share with my kids more.

And…I. Can’t. Wait.


This post is part of the #reverb10 challenge. Read all of my #reverb10 posts here and please let me know if you are doing the challenge too, so I can read your posts too!

3 Responses to “One Word – #Reverb10”

  1. Yay! I love this post and this whole reverb idea. Every time I see a yoga post of yours I have such an urge to get more serious about it. You seem so on top of everything and yet so zen about it all that I think you’re being present worked!
    Congrats and can’t wait to read about the adventures.;)

  2. Two utterly wonderful words for you Linsey! I hope to experience adventure with you in 2011!
